How does a person go from vulnerability to security? From need to independence? It starts when they begin to see they are loved and valued, just as they are. And when they have the tools and opportunities to create a new path forward.

Outreach serves vulnerable people through relationships and community services that prepare them to reach their God-given potential. Our staff, donors, volunteers, and church and community partners work together to bridge the gaps with services and programs that address their physical, emotional, academic, social, and spiritual needs. Because that’s what it takes for any of us to thrive.

Connect. Celebrate. Serve.

We’re a part of each community we serve. And we know that healthy communities are built with intention, and built by the people who live there coming together in good times as well as hard times. Each of the neighborhoods we’re invested in is made up of a diverse and dynamic group of people. So we facilitate a host of events that support and celebrate our friends, neighbors, and church partners.

Many of the kids (and families) that we work with have basic needs whether in school or in their neighborhood. As we minister, and reach out to these families, God has provided through other ministry partners and spiritual leaders ways we can help. For example, food was given out just yesterday (see pictures below) by Pastor Michael Harley, who runs this ministry with CEF Durham.  This month the ministry trailer was used for neighborhood events and to deliver 4,000 lbs.+ of food and 2,000 lbs. of cleaning supplies to families.

John Blake shares community-based strategies for biblical transformation of city kids, families, communities, and cities. From current topics, to developing a heart for the city and how to develop sustainable ministry are covered. John also articulates pivotal paradigms of the 10 Keys of the Kingdom, requirements for biblical transformation, and 10 Dynamics of Transforming a Community. The beginnings of a series on how to leverage biblical justice towards Diversity is most recent. Since January 2010, John has been sharing significant aspects of his 30 years of ministry experience. Find John’s blog at John Blake shares his “Heart for City Kids” — 919.630.9434