Building solid athletic skills and strong christian character… Just one summer camp experience can change a child’s life for a lifetime.

Bible Clubs, Power & Light, Etiquette, and Reading

CEF’s purpose has remained unchanged for 85 years. For over 30 years the Durham Area Chapter has created new programs and changed some ministry methods, but our main purpose to reach, teach, and disciple children for Christ will never change.

This summer, the Durham area has six trained young people who attended Christian Youth in Action camp and will be summer missionaries in our area. Six adults will be ministering along with these young people. These young people/adults will go to camps and communities where children are, ready to teach and work/have fun with kids around Durham for five days a week this summer. Praise the Lord!!

Financial and prayer support come from churches and individuals who share the vision of reaching kids with the Gospel and teaching them in Christian living. Our Annual Fund covers all organizational costs and direct ministry expenses. Camps for City Kids funding cover summer staff, classes, and equipment. Thank You!