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Chuck Swindoll wrote a book back in the 1980s entitled Strengthening Your Grip. It was a huge help to me as a young man whose walk with the Lord was growing rapidly. After 20 years of seeking God’s direction, God led me to direct the mission of CEF in the Durham area which in turn taught me to become a missionary to families as well as kids. ImageAs a practitioner of the Gospel, I’ve realized that we hold a tighter grip on the Words and Ways of God some times more than others. I’m also thankful that I’ve learned and trained our mission team to operate in the truth that it is God Himself that maintains the grip and holds us.

Thus, our grip upon reading, studying, memorizing, meditating, and applying the Words of God strengthens our grip on the reality of His power and presence in our lives. When we pray and serve the Lord, there is an outflow, or loosening, of this “grip” which helps to minister God’s love, value, and desire for others to know Him for who He is and what He has done. This is a season in which we are experiencing this truth. CEF’s desire and manifestation of a stronger grip has become apparent as it collaborates weekly with local churches and individual Christ-followers for the sake of children and many local communities. I write today that you can know the heart of the CEF work and to ask, “How is your (our) grip?” CEF is one of many places where you can strengthen your grip.

The urban missions BREAKOUT! (boot camp) will allow you to develop your heart for the people of urban America; move beyond missions trip rhetoric with diverse practical ideas; build bridges to urban communities with the Gospel; grow spiritually and worship together; create and daily adjust your mission team’s plan as you work in one community from 4-8 PM each day Monday-Friday; embrace your fears; and use your talents/interest as you minister.

Connect with Breakout! missions this Summer

Local teens with their mentors, who serve as club teachers year-round,
together at a “Blacktop Games” events during the early Spring.
Training and ministry planning to be prepared for Bible teaching and everything.
Missionary cohorts are there to support and encourage you.
Meaningful conversations abound during clubs and special events.
Prayer is essential and an intentional practice before and after missions work.

Registration DEADLINE is May 1st
Additional information about CEF, the Urban Center of Light, and Breakout! can be found at the following sites: CEF Durham and Facebook.  Contact by mail at CEF Durham 801 Gilbert St. Suite #101 Durham, NC 27701


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